Did you know there are options available for financial assistance for families? Below are a few of the grants available, please note the deadline for some of these applications are closing soon.
Jumpstart- maximum funding amount per approved applicant is $300, a copy of your Canada Child Benefit is required for application.https://jumpstart.canadiantire.ca/pages/individual-child-grants
Hockey Canada Assist Fund- A fund that is dedicated to help youth access hockey. It will provide up to $500 per player to approved applicants. Financial eligibility for the Assist Fund is based on the Low Income Cut-Off (LICO) guidelines from Statistics Canada. (Applications open August 1st) https://assistfund.hockeycanadafoundation.ca/en/page/apply.html
Kidsport- provides funding up to $400 per player to approved applicants. Kidsport sends finances directly to the association and the amount is applied to the named applicant for financial assistance. https://kidsportcanada.ca/new-brunswick/provincial-fund/
Brendon Oreto Foundation- OMHA has received a grant from the Oreto Foundation, if you wish to apply for assistance from the Oreto Fund please reach out to Shana at omhatreasurer1@gmail.com